Archived: Recipe for Lust by Alice Ward

  ~ Schedule ~ August 2nd Jaidis @ Juniper Grove Amber @ The Wonderings of One Person Cindy @ The Indy Book Fairy Melissa @ Melissa’s Book Buzz Nancy @ The Avid Reader Maia @ The Silver Dagger Scriptorium Amber G. @ Lady Amber’s Reviews LJ @ Secret Cravings Janet @ Teatime and Books Lee @ Behind Closed Doors Carol @ StarAngels Reviews Lisa or Kristie @ Book Bangers Blog Nichole @ Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog Julianne @ The Flipside of Julianne Melissa @ Will Read for Books KaSonndra @ Naughty Little Kisses Laurie @ Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews   ~ … Continue reading

Archived: Suvi’s Revenge by Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

  ~ Schedule ~   July 31st: Jaidis @ Juniper Grove Lee @ Behind Closed Doors Melissa @ Melissa Book Buzz Amber @ The Wonderings of One Person Melissa @ Books Can Take You There Katrina @ Trina’s Tantilising Tidbits Angela @ I Feel the Need,The Need to Read Emily @ Musings From an Addicted Reader Donna @ Picky Bitches Book Blog Airicka @ The Dark Realm Cindy @ Indy Book Fairy Jenny @ Black Words-White Pages Aly @ Reading Shy with Aly LJ @ This and That Book Blog Nichole@ Fictional Rendezvous Book Blog CCAM @ Mythical Books Nancy … Continue reading